Product Information

  • Price: $6,500.00
  • Global Coverage
  • Low Cost
  • Self Contained
  • Easy Installation
  • Optional Sensors

About Flood Protection

Introducing the non-contact Water-TraX flood monitoring system for rivers, creeks, streams and canals for water level & flow velocity. Integrating doplar radar and satellite technologies this fully self contained plug n play - work anywhere system can be installed in just a few minutes for temporary or permanent applications. Flooding is typically a cumulative situation that is caused by rainfall, ice/debris jams, snow melt, erosion (wild fires), agricultural activity and levee/dam failures. The ability to monitor contributing water conditions remotely is imperative to mitigate damage and loss of life.

Contact Us

1632 Dickson Ave.
Suite 540
Kelowna, BC
V1Y 7T2

+1 877-860-3762

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